Danish IT Professionals is a Danish company specializing in helping companies through digitalization. The founders have international experience in digitization projects for large companies and offer both change management and IT project management for shorter or longer periods.

We have always worked with IT development, both in connection with digitization projects, where companies introduce new systems, and in connection with the development of entirely new solutions, says founder Hans Henrik Jacobsen and continues: When a company presents a new solution, there are often integrations that must be secured, data that must be migrated and changes that must be managed - This is where we come into the picture, and ensures that everything is connected.

When a company modernizes its solutions, it must focus on the business, and we focus on providing the change, both the technical and the changed workflows. With our lengthy IT and project management background, we know all the pitfalls of digitization projects and can ensure the correct order of the changes that need to happen. Migration of a system from its servers to, for example, AWS must be secured 100%, in the analysis phase, by designing data migration by ensuring fall-back and transition. We are also responsible for setting up the war room so that go-live becomes a transparent transition to the new solution, says Anders Murmann, founder of Danish IT Professionals.